Wednesday, January 16, 2013

First Thoughts

I have been really looking forward to this class as it covers a lot of topics that I wish I was teaching my students on a day to day basis. For a number of reasons that is not the case and I believe this to be to the detriment of my students (see my second post for more on that). In any event I am looking forward to not just incorporating many of these tools into my teaching but teaching the students how to use them to enhance their own learning. And quite frankly I expect to be learning as much from them if not more. Along those lines I know that many of my classmates automatically think I am a wiz at this stuff. But while I have heard of a lot of it, know my way around some of it and given enough time could figure out much of the other stuff out I still have a lot to learn! 

I am particularly feeling overwhelmed with the amount of tools available to accomplish just one task. There is a certain amount of upfront time and energy that needs to be invested to get to a point where you can make an app/web tool work efficiently and fluidly. Making that investment with something you never end up using is a waste of precious time. With that said, if I can be of any help to anyone in class please don’t hesitate to ask!

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