Thursday, February 14, 2013

Needles and Hay and all that

I do not need more information. I need an efficient way to find the tools that will do, or help do, what I need done. I think (theoretically) it’s great that a significant portion of all recorded human knowledge has by now been cataloged somewhere on the internet. As someone that has resisted the social piece of the web I am starting to realize the power of a like minded community, particularly one you have grown to trust and know, in helping you find that digital needle. 

Thanks to this post by my indomitable cohort-mate Mari Beth I was able to quickly make a decision about whether to go with Instagram or Flicker as my go to mobile (mostly) photo app. I know Mari Beth. I trust her judgment...well, before that third glass of wine. And because we are both laboring towards a common goal - leveraging tech in our classrooms, I know she is trying answer the same questions that I am. Not only that she has taken the time to do some research and has found a source she finds valuable. All that is more than enough to tip the scales in my mind even if it doesn't guarantee that Flickr is the right solution for me. Now if I could just easily set up my account the way I want to without using another email address/password/login/account name/etc. haha oh well. 

1 comment:

  1. How do you know I like wine?! Ok, guilty-I do.Thank you for the vote of confidence-I appreciate it! Now that you will soon have another baby, you will need an easier way to share ALL the photos you'll take. Happy snapping! Let me know how it goes once you get logged in! Oh, and how you'll use this with all of your middle-schoolers!
